Home Economics
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CreativeBug offers unlimited access to over 1,000 online art and crafts classes taught by artists and creative experts, with more being added monthly. Patrons will have access to a personalized landing page where they can save favorite classes and receive personalized recommendations. Courses also include downloadable patterns, templates, and recipes.
Provided by the Orion Library
Home Improvement Source
Through a collection of comprehensive full-text content from leading home improvement magazines, images not found anywhere else online, and videos of popular home repair projects, Home Improvement Reference Center provides users with detailed, user-friendly “how-to” information covering a variety of home improvement and repair projects.
Provided by the Michigan eLibrary
Small Engine Repair Source
Small Engine Repair Reference Center provides detailed yet user-friendly repair guides for all manner of small engines. All of the content is organized in a powerful, easy-to-use manner so that users can quickly find the information they need.
Provided by the Michigan eLibrary
MasterFILE Complete
MasterFILE Complete offers the largest collection of popular full-text magazines, reference books and other highly-regarded sources from the world's leading publishers. Covering virtually every general interest subject area, it also includes an extensive collection of photos, maps, and flags.
Provided by the Michigan eLibrary